Rego Park Green Alliance Members Selected For Volunteer Commercial

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Host A Green Wall Series

The Rego Park Green Alliance will be hosting four green walls in various commercial/school locations over the next couple of months. The walls are 2’ X 4’ and will contain mints,basil, choi, oregano, lettuce, and several other herbs and vegetables. We will also be hosting a residential wall for homes.

Our first wall will be hosted by Bamboo Moves ( . A fabulous yoga studio with great people and a lovely ambiance. They serve Rego Park, Kew Gardens, and Forest Hills.

Teach people why green walls are great for the environment and our health. Inspire youth to be catalysts of change
Get the community involved

Plant Love
We need people to host a plant( Rego Park Green Alliance will provide the plant) for three weeks providing it with love, care, and water. After you return the plant we will put it in a panel that will be mounted on a green wall and delivered to Bamboo Moves for three months.

We also need an artist to paint/design the green wall which is currently a cedar wood. Perhaps it could be painted green with lovely leaves. Just an idea. Please see wall image4 included below.

People to communicate via email and perhaps a meeting or two to discuss other potential host sites for a green wall.

Residential hosts
We also have a 1X1 green wall unit that we would like to host in homes for one month. The host site will have to have some light. Each green wall will also include a journal in which we hope you will enter 1 or two recipes in which you use herbs from the green wall. The unit only needs two screws to be mounted to a wall. I have included a picture of one unit hosted in my home – image 2. We have used the herbs from our wall to create tea and a lovely pasta sauce.

This is an incredible project and we hope you will join us on this incredible adventure.

For additional questions please contact Yvonne at 917 597 3089.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Real Good Jazz At Dusk In Rego Park

What an amazing concert we had on Saturday, September 19. The concert started at 6:00 and went until 7:30. Just long enough for the sun to set. This was the first concert in Rego Park in a long time and it was a joint venture between Our Saviour and the Rego Park Green Alliance. The organizer, Adam, did a fantastic job bringing it all together. Thank you to all who opened their minds and made this happen!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Edible Green Walls In Rego Park

Green Walls are a great way to turn a community with no parks or public gardens into an oasis of flowers and vegetables. Green walls can be mounted to a wall or free standing. They are great for insulation, cooling retention, decreasing Co2, ecological encouragement, and more. The Rego Park Green Alliance is in the process of installing green walls on several sites in Rego Park. Imagine Rego Park with lush walls filled with strawberries, lettuce, and flowers.

If you wish to learn more about this project email us. We not only want to make an environmental contribiion to Rego Park but we wish to increase community involvement and train people in green jobs.

Rebecca (age 11)
Rego Park Green Alliance Youth Service

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rego Park Green Alliance Invited To Yale University

Several members of the RPGA were invited to The Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. What an incredible opportunity to learn about geothermal energy, solar technology, and more.

The shades in the picture are useful and beautiful. They keep the sun out allowing the building to stay cooler on sunny days.