Rego Park Green Alliance Members Selected For Volunteer Commercial

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rego Park , Queens Edible Green Wall Is Ready

After three months our green wall is almost ready to be hosted by BamboMoves . Thank you P.S. 139, P.S. 174, the Rego Park Community, and Yale University for hosting and growing plants. Thank you Suzuyo for creating such a lovely insect habitat design on the wood frame. And, thank you Yvonne for managing the green wall program from beginning to end. It is the Rego Park Green Alliance's goal to have other companies host green walls all around Queens. Remember the apple's and cows that were hosted in Manhattan?. Why not have Queens have the green wall series. The green walls are edible, environmentally sustainable, artistic, and involve the entire community.

For more information or to learn more about hosting a wall, growing the plants in your school or community, or designing a frame please contact Yvonne Shortt at 917 597 3089.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rego Park Green Alliance PSA Commercial Available Online

In July Rebecca, Clara, and Yvonne, from the Rego Park Green Alliance, were selected to be in a public service announcement on volunteering. To shoot the commercial, Yvonne worked with Shana, Eve, NYC Service, and P.S. 139.

Over 40 residents of the community showed up to help paint the 2500 square foot mural.

Thank you to all who put in their time to help make Rego Park beautiful!

To view the commercial click here