Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
On the Lawn Of Our Saviour
(Wetherole and 63rd Drive)
This merry war of wits is the quintessential romantic comedy--full of eavesdropping, deception and triumphant love.
Running time: 90 minutes. Appropriate for all ages. Bring a blanket or low chair and picnic fare!
Directed by Jason Marr
Costume Design by Nancy Nichols
Featuring: Cristina Carrion, Brett Dameron, Tim Dowd, Whitney Egbert, Terry Gibson*, Erick Gonzalez, Harry Jones, Damon Kinard*, Kurt Kingsley*, Joy Marr*, Rafael Miguel, Elizabeth Alice Murray* and Kevin Shimko
*Appears courtesy of Actors’ Equity Association