The Green Alliance spent many hours digging and planting in several places in Rego Park. The problem is that people don't necessarily know that the planting occurred so trash and garbage are being left in the area. Ema and Rebecca spent several hours creating signs to let people know that the planting occurred. We now have six signs. each costing less than 4 dollars. This weekend we will plant the signs along Alderton, 63rd Drive, P.S. 139 playground and Austin Street. For those who need cheap signs go to Home Depot and buy 6 foot molding ($2.00) . Cut it in half. Use printing paper to make the picture and construction paper for the border. Then go to staples and get it laminated for two dollars. Use a stapler gun to attach the laminated picture and scissors to cut some of the extra lamination from the bottom. If your feeling really creative, decorate the molding used for the sign.
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